Revelation of Human Trafficking, Director of the Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic, John Nefri : We Are Supporting the Ongoing Legal Process., Lima Puluh Kota -After the arrest of several unscrupulous campus officials in connection with the alleged case of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons (TPPO). Director of the Payakumbuh State Agricultural Polytechnic (PPNP), Ir. Jhon Nefri ensures that the teaching and learning process is not disrupted,

"We emphasize that PPNP guarantees that the Learning and Teaching Process (PBM) and office activities are not disrupted and run normally as usual," he said accompanied by PPNP Public Relations Khazanatul Israr during a press conference, at the PPNP meeting building, Monday (3/6/2023) . .

He said, as an institution, PPNP was concerned about the incident of suspected TIP, which caused unrest, losses and questions from various parties. For this reason, in the future PPNP is committed to doing things that can support improvement programs and activities.

When asked about the campus being secured in connection with the alleged TIP involving students doing internships in Japan, Jhon Nefri said he was supporting the ongoing legal process.

He said, this case occurred in 2019/2020, where PPNP had a student internship program or Student Practical Work Experience (PKPM). At that time, paying for PKPM locations was based on the interests of each student, one of the choices was PKPM in Japan.

The selection process for PKPM to Japan starts from the Study Program level and continues at the Institution/Polytechnic level. Information about the location and implementation of PKPM in Japan has been conveyed openly and clearly to interested students.

"For its implementation, adjust to the management of each company," he said

The mechanism, starting from PKPM debriefing such as introduction to Japanese culture, system/work ethic in the company, and making Final Projects, Japanese language courses, supervision activities, and after completion of PKPM implementation of consulting activities and Final Assignment Comprehensive Examination.

"PKPM activities in Japan have been stopped in 2020 until now," he said. (Rstp)

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