N3, Padang City ~ The Neighborhood Assosiation - Citizens Assosiation ( RT - RW ) in East Padang sub-district get first quarter operational grants in 2018. These Operational Grants with a total of Rp 304 million are given for the 320 RTs and 89 RWs in that sub - district.
The handing over of these Operational Grants is conducted by Temporary Officials (Pjs) of Padang 's Mayor is Drs Alwis symbolically in Baitul Hadi Mosque, in Parak Gadang Timur. He was accompanied by Padang Timur Sub -District 's head is Ances Kurniawan, and Padang Timur Sub-district head's secretary is Zulbahri and the Village's chiefs.
Alwis stated that, the RT and RW Mayors within their respective scopes. Because of it, they are who mandated by the community to manage the territory which has been done like the task of the Mayor.
"RT and RW are community leaders who are trusted to manage their environment, they should carry out the small scope of tasks in their dedication " said Alwis.
He also told about his duties as Temporary Officials (Pjs) of Padang 's Mayor. His duties' s goal not only for community service which is to keep government administration running well , but also to succeed Padang 's election. This duty is to make Padang 's election running well which is signed by got many voters in the elections.
"As my duties Temporary Officials (Pjs) of Padang 's Mayor, one of my duties is to succeed of Padang's election ( Pilkada ) running well and got maximum voters," said Alwis at Alhadi mosque.
As we know that the Padang' s Mayor and Padang' s Co Mayor are on leave outside their state responsibilities in order to follow the elections. So that the head of the region is handle by the Temporary Officials (Pjs) of Padang 's Mayor who is appointed by the Governour.
"Let's we participate to give a vote in the polling place in the election on 27th of June. The issue of choice, it is depends on their personality," added Alwis.
Meanwhile, the Sub -Disctrict's head is Ances Kurniawan thanked to the RT and RW officials who had assisted his duties as the Sub - District head.
Without the assistance of RT and RW who are closest to the community, the Sub-District's head and Village's head can not work maximally in their duties, "he said.
According to Ances, these operational grants are budgeted by Pemko Padang is not proportional with their RTs and RWs dedication. The fund is only helping small things in their duty.
" We should giving an appreciation to them because of their dedication to manage of the citizens in their environment " said Ances. Tuty