" Blusukan " or come suddenly style by Vice Mayor of Padang Candidate is Desri Ayunda in District Koto Tangah

N3, Padang City ~ One of Vice Mayor of Padang candidate number 1 in Padang District Election, Desri Ayunda doing "  Blusukan " or come suddenly to Tabing Market in  Koto Tangah Sub- district, Padang City, West Sumatera, Sunday morning, March 18, 2018.

The arrival of him was greeted enthusiastically by the tradesman. Many of them asked for took some picture one finger greeting with him.

Desri Ayunda visited the fish stalls in Pasar Tabing. On that occasion he had a dialogue with fish traders.

"We had a dialogue with fish traders here. For the future if we given a trust
to lead this city, we will give a special attention to them (fish traders)  ," said Desri.

After " blusukan " in Tabing Market, Desri Ayunda and his teams attending "  Batagak  Kudo Kudo " Nurul Ikhsan mosque invitation in Batang Kadih Sungai Bangek Balai Gadang Village. The arrival of him was greeted with " Galombang Dance "  from Sanggar Talang Sarumpun. by Tuty
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