N3, Limapuluh Kota - In order to fulfill his duty as member of DPRD of Limapuluh Kota Regency, Drh. Harmen went to his constituents in the hamlet of hybrids jorong Talang gangs of Maurang.Sabtu, (29/04).
Drh. Harmen who was accompanied by www.nusantaranews.net in the activity revealed that this activity in order to recess 1st quarter of 2017 to the IV electoral district consisting of sub-district Harau, Guguk and Mungka.
Members of the DPRD as well as the head of the PPP party of Limapuluh Kota district visited Binuang Sati Farmer Group who was pioneering the access road production to the gambier field at the top of the hill with a width of 1 meter and the length of 858 meters and 1025 meters remaining to get to the location of the community farm.
"This work was carried out with gotong royong once 20 days with more than 50 members from the farmer group and I highly appreciate Mr. Harmen coming to us here and seeing the progress of our activities," said Iskarni, head of the farmer group Binuang Sati.
In this recess meeting Drh. Harmen has a lot of aspirations and input from the community around their needs such as road and bridge access, education assistance and home rehabilitation.
"I hope that all farmer groups in this section of Talang and Talang Maur grocery can generally maintain cohesiveness among fellow members and fellow farmer groups so that we can all carry out activities that cover the needs of the community," Harmen said.
To establish communication with the community Drh. Harmen advised not to hesitate to contact him. (Rahmat Sitepu)
Drh. Harmen who was accompanied by www.nusantaranews.net in the activity revealed that this activity in order to recess 1st quarter of 2017 to the IV electoral district consisting of sub-district Harau, Guguk and Mungka.
Members of the DPRD as well as the head of the PPP party of Limapuluh Kota district visited Binuang Sati Farmer Group who was pioneering the access road production to the gambier field at the top of the hill with a width of 1 meter and the length of 858 meters and 1025 meters remaining to get to the location of the community farm.
"This work was carried out with gotong royong once 20 days with more than 50 members from the farmer group and I highly appreciate Mr. Harmen coming to us here and seeing the progress of our activities," said Iskarni, head of the farmer group Binuang Sati.
In this recess meeting Drh. Harmen has a lot of aspirations and input from the community around their needs such as road and bridge access, education assistance and home rehabilitation.
"I hope that all farmer groups in this section of Talang and Talang Maur grocery can generally maintain cohesiveness among fellow members and fellow farmer groups so that we can all carry out activities that cover the needs of the community," Harmen said.
To establish communication with the community Drh. Harmen advised not to hesitate to contact him. (Rahmat Sitepu)
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