N3, Limapuluh Kota - After holding the joint commitment Limapuluh Kota District Government, realizing the child-friendly district. Minister of Women Empowerment and Child Protection (PPA), Yohana Yembise also had the opportunity to visit the typical culinary festival in Limapuluh Kota, Tuesday (18/4), at Harau valley.
On that occasion, Johana Yambise given the opportunity to try the cuisine typical regional culinary Limapuluh Kota of various Nagari there. Among them Gulai Pucuak Ubi, Gulai Pigago, Ikan Punjum Karabu Baluik, Gulai Cipuik, Pongek Cubadak, Karabu Maco, Katan Sarikayo and many other specialties.
After tasting the typical cuisine of Limapuluh Kota, Minister Yohana Yambise praised the dishes there, according to the whole dish shown very good to eat. "We know the cuisine in West Sumatra region is very famous for delicious, as well as dishes from Limapuluh Kota" she said before the Regent.
The entire dish tasted the minister is contested cuisine in the culinary festival held Limapuluh Kota Dispora Limapuluh Kota 18th to 19th April. "Foods that prepared it is a dish that’s been contested", said Head pariwasata, "Nengsih to reporters
The festivals of this culinary followed from the various districts in the regency as a form of festive day so Limapuluh Kota City and implementation of Harau Toward the World program. "Tomorrow Dispora will also hold a competition of culinary sate throughout West Sumatra" she said.
After eating the food Yohana Yambise also given the opportunity to sing along Regent Irfendi Arbi, as well as dozens of people were present including the participants of the festival.
At the occasion, the minister sang her region song - Papua, Apuse of village Biak land of his birth place, the Minister also invited all invitees to dance along when she sang the song. Beside the minister, the regent Irfendi Arbi also contributed a song Minang realm pride, entitled Kampuang Nan Jauah Dimato.(Rahmat Sitepu)